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1 thought on “Contact

  1. We saw you on and loved what you wrote.

    We’re reaching out because we’d love to have you write for us as well.

    Over the past couple of years, Sivana Spirit has been developing a spiritual lifestyle blog in hopes of inspiring a deeper understanding of Eastern philosophy and yoga:

    We love to talk about anything with esoteric eastern teachings. Buddha, meditation, Hinduism, astrology, and yoga…things along those lines 🙂

    Let me know if this is something you’d be interested in! I think our fans would really enjoy it, and we’d love to work with you. We give a $25 gift card for every article we use!

    We also love to do article interviews, so if you’re interested in that please let us know so we can feature you!

    Please reach out at your earliest convenience. We’d love to get the ball rolling 🙂

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

    Sivana Spirit

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