

Every now and then I come across a word in another language for which there is no English equivalent, but there should be. Once such word is hygge. Hygge (pronounced hoo-gah) is a way of living that the Danish people swear by. It focuses on friends, family, and appreciating the little things in life. Denmark is… Read More Hygge


How to celebrate mother’s day – even if you’re not on good terms

Mother’s day is coming up! This is supposed to be a special occasion, a date to recognize and celebrate the woman who gave us life. Many people, however, have less than ideal relationships with their mothers. Perhaps there was abuse or neglect, or some other sort of trauma. Maybe your experience is nothing so drastic, but… Read More How to celebrate mother’s day – even if you’re not on good terms


3 ways you might be blocking love in your life

I recently sent a text to my mother-in-law, thanking her for how well and unreservedly she has loved me since I joined her family. Her response was simple: “I’m so grateful that you accepted our love!” As I reflected on her words, I realized that this simple sentence has profound implications for our day-to-day lives… Read More 3 ways you might be blocking love in your life